Kiwitax Engagement & Authority Terms

Thank you for instructing us to act as your tax agents/accountants. To ensure there are no misunderstandings regarding the nature and extent of the services that we will provide to you, this form records the entire agreement between us in relation to our engagement.

Extent of Services

The information you are to supply and any other information that we consider necessary to complete the engagement must be provided in a timely manner for the assignment to be completed on a timely basis.

The tax compliance services to be provided will have the following provisions applied:

It is up to you to give us accurate and complete information to enable us to provide the services described in this form and we accept no liability for the accuracy or completeness of any information supplied by you in any form. We will not audit, review or carry out any other checks on the accuracy or completeness of the information you provide. Accordingly, no assurance on any assertions contained in the financial information compiled will be provided.

Our engagement does not include the investigation or discovery of internal control weaknesses, errors, illegal acts or other irregularities, including without limitation, fraud, or non-compliance with laws and regulations.


Ownership of Work Papers

Material that you provide to us remains yours and will be returned to you when the engagement is completed. Work papers that we create remain our property.


Limitation of Liability

At all times we will use reasonable skill and care in providing our services to you. However, our liability to you whether in contract, or otherwise, for any loss or damage or expenses (including legal costs) suffered or incurred directly by you as a direct result of any act or omission by us in providing our services, shall be limited to a maximum amount equal to the fee (excluding GST, disbursements and expenses) paid to us by you in respect of the services in question. If the Services were provided in respect of more than one financial year the fee on which the liability amount is based shall be the fee paid in respect of the financial year in respect of which the act or omission occurred. Any claim against us must be brought within twelve months of the date on which we complete the services.


Fees & Terms of Credit

We will always aim to provide a written quote prior to commencing your work. If additional work is provided beyond the scope of the quote, your fees are based on the value for time spent on each assignment. Payment of accounts are due within fourteen days of the issue of an invoice. There may be circumstances where payment is required prior to the carrying out of accounting work for you. All accounts are to be paid for in full, or an agreed payment plan setup in place before any tax returns will be filed with the Inland Revenue.

For invoices that are more than 60 days overdue we reserve the right to transfer the debt to our nominated debt collection agency. All recovery costs incurred by Kiwi Tax Limited arising out of your failure to pay by the due date including all legal costs, disbursements and collection costs shall be payable by you, the client, on demand.



Kiwi Tax Limited services are 100% satisfaction guaranteed. If you’re not completely satisfied with our service, please tell us. If we cannot put things right to your satisfaction we will provide a full refund. 


Digital Signing

Both parties acknowledge that they may sign and execute this agreement and any subsequent documents or agreements via electronic signing.


Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Counter Financing of Terrorism Act 2019 – Identity Check

I confirm that I am authorised to provide the personal details presented (or have obtained the consent of the individuals to which the details relate and evidence of this can be produced) and I consent to this information being passed to and checked with the document issuer, official record holder, a credit bureau and authorised third parties for the purpose of verifying my identity and address. Please note, this is not a credit check.


Contract minimum term

The minimum initial term of our engagement is up to the completion of one set of your annual financial accounts & returns. The initial term shall commence from the date of signing this engagement and authority.


Client Obligations and Termination

Clients are required to provide all necessary information and documentation in a timely manner to enable Kiwitax to perform the agreed services. Kiwitax will provide reasonable notifications and follow-ups to remind clients of their obligations and key submission deadlines. If a client fails to provide the required information, causing delays or preventing Kiwitax from fulfilling its obligations, Kiwitax reserves the right to terminate the engagement. In such cases, the client will be liable for a termination fee as specified. This fee covers the administrative costs and time incurred by Kiwitax due to the client’s non-compliance.


Termination Fee

If you wish to terminate our engagement prior to the end of the initial term, please contact us as early as possible via  In consideration of the work undertaken to set up and facilitate the engagement for you in the first instance, you agree to pay us a termination fee of $295+gst.



I/We authorise Kiwi Tax Limited to communicate with my/our bankers, solicitors, the Inland Revenue Department (IRD), Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC), Companies Office or any other party, to act on our behalf and obtain such information as you may require in order to carry out the above assignments. We authorize Kiwi Tax Limited to obtain information for all tax types linked with the Inland Revenue.

The arrangements outlined in this form will continue in effect from year to year unless it is mutually agreed to change them.

If you have any questions about the contents of this form, please contact us. If the services outlined are in accordance with your requirements and if the above terms are acceptable to you, please check the acceptance box and provide your signature in the space provided on the onboarding form and submit it to us as soon as possible.