The government have announced further financial support available for businesses impacted by the alert level increase which started on 17 August. You can apply for either scheme whether you’ve received previous payments or not.
Resurgence Support Payment #2
Businesses can apply for the second payment even if they have received the first and continue to meet the eligibility criteria. Applications for the second payment will open at 8am Friday, 17 September through the Inland Revenue website
The payment amount will remain as $1,500 lump sum + $400 per full time employee.
Low turnover businesses will be capped at four times the actual revenue decline.
Applications for both RSP payments will remain open until 1 month after the whole of NZ returns to Alert Level 1.
30% or more drop in revenue in a 7-day period from 8 September until immediately before all of NZ returns to Alert Level 1, Compared to a typical 7-day period in the 6 weeks before 17 August.
Read the full details on the IRD website
Newer businesses became eligible for the RSP on 9 September 2021 after a change in the eligibility criteria. The criteria change included businesses more than 1 month old (previously 6 months).
Resurgence Support Payment #3
Applications for a 3rd Resurgence Support payment will open on 8 October for businesses affected by the alert level increase that started on 17 August.
Wage Subsidy
Applications for the second August 2021 Covid-19 Wage Subsidy are open for two weeks between 3 September 2021 and 11.59pm 16 September 2021. The previous Wage Subsidy, which opened on 20 August 2021, has closed.
If you applied and were eligible for the first August 2021 Wage Subsidy, MSD will email you to tell you when you can apply for the second round. You need to wait until 2 weeks after your first application before you can apply again. If you apply earlier than this, the application will be declined.
The payment amount will again be a two-week lump sum at the rate of $600 per week for full time employees and $359 per week for part time employees.
Businesses that experience or predict a 40% revenue drop due to the effects of Alert Levels 4, 3 and 2 on their business (but not Alert level 2 alone)
Read the full details in the declaration
Self employed people and sole traders are eligible to apply for the wage subsidy even if you do not employ employees.
Update: The government have announced a third round of the Wage subsidy. Applications opened at 9am on Friday 17 September until Thursday 30 September. The revenue test period will be 14-27 September 2021. Again, you can apply two weeks after your previous application and MSD will email you to tell you when you can apply for the third round.
Update: Applications for the fourth Covid-19 Wage Subsidy were open for two weeks between 9am, 1 October and 11.59pm, 14 October 2021.
Update: Applications for the fifth Covid-19 Wage Subsidy are open for two weeks between 9am, 15 October and 11.59pm, 28 October 2021.
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